So here are all of the pictures from the new camera. I'm able to get really good shots but I haven't quite figured out all of the editing yet. Hope you all like them as much as I do!
The first picture I took---Boone wanted his close up!
Hanging out at Grand Daddy and
GiGi'sJake coming to see what's going on
I love this one. Laney was pushing Jake on the bike and he fell over, she just turned around real slow, like what? I didn't do anything.
Boone getting a push from Grand Daddy
The boys watch on as Grand Daddy pitches the ball to Laney...........
who swings with her eyes closed!! Ha Ha!!
But check out her throw!!!
Here comes Boone
Jake found the sweet!!
They were cheering on their Mommy and Daddy who had taken over the bat and ball and were playing in the yard.
Boone tested out the water but he wasn't quite as daring as his cousins
My sweet boy
Jake and Boone eating pizza
He's a little messy
While the boys were eating, Laney made her way into the fountain
Jake joined in quickly after that......Boone was more interested in the pizza! :)
The boys went exploring!
Laney was showing us how she's an acrobat (her own words)
Jake's one too!!
So we won't get in the water but we'll sure drink it!!
Meg and Jake
(there is nothing cuter than a boy and his Mommy)
I'm not sure
what's going on here but as you can see we have all lost our shirts!! :)
Laney---such a pretty girl!
Trying to get a picture of Grand Daddy and the kids---Laney was trying to hold both of the boys hands for us
There we go!! Great shot guys, Wylie even wanted in on this one
Ok pictures over but Boone won't let Laney's hand go
Picking up rocks ---- one of our favorite things to do
I ran to go get some lunch and came home to see Grammy pushing Boone around in the stroller!!
I wonder what she's thinking about?
Trying so hard to blow bubbles
It looks like Laney has Boone cornered and is holding him up with the bubble gun
Jake didn't care about blowing the bubbles, he wanted to eat them!
Don't you laugh at me!!
After the hard work of blowing bubbles we all had to have our own cups to drink out of......this turned out to be a very bad idea!! Water was everywhere!!