Sunday, October 3, 2010

Catching Up

So I know it's been a while but here are some pics. from the last month (plus some more pics. from when Brian's grandparents and cousin were in town).

These were all from the river walk in San Antonio.

These are from the ranch over Labor Day.

Let me preface these next 4 pictures by saying that I did NOT condone this but was asked to take pictures so I did....under the condition that he stayed far, far away from me!!! (Don't you love the outfit!! Such a redneck!!)

Back to some normal pictures!

The flowers Brian got me the day we found out about the twins... guess he thought it would ease the shock!!;) I think this is my favorite arrangement ever, they are so pretty!!

Getting all ready for the Tech game----which was VERY disappointing but we have a very good looking Red Raider!!

That's all for now, we'll catch up again soon!!


Bridget said...

Boone you are so adorable!!!! I love your Red Raider outfit and ALL of your pics. Don't hunt snakes with Daddy and PLEASE don't wear outfits like that! Ha!I love you Boone! Love Grammy

benay said...

What pretty sunset pictures at the ranch!Wish I could say the same about "Snake catching Sam's" outfit.I can't believe how much Boone has changed just since Laney's birthday.He is adorable!!