Sunday, March 6, 2011

Last Post as 3!!

Well I have to think this will be the last post I make before the twins are here. Everything has been going great still. The boys are growing big with Case at an estimated 6 pounds 7 ounces and Ryder at 7 pounds 6 ounces-- he continues to be our big boy. If everything goes as planned and if the boys stay where they are we will be going in for a scheduled c-section on Tuesday, March 22nd. I can't believe they are almost here! I have to say that I am ready for this pregnancy to be over but I also have to say that I never imagined it would have been this great. When we found out we were having twins I started reading all about what this pregnancy would be like and I was really freaked out. I was sure I would be on bedrest at some point and would not be able to work as long as I would have liked but boy I was wrong. My doctor told me at the beginning of all of this, as I was expressing my concern for what was ahead, that it was all about attitude and believing I was going to be just fine--she was so right! I was able to work up until I was 35 weeks which took me right to Spring Break--it started today--YAY!! I know that we have been extremely blessed with this pregnancy and I am so thankful to God who has watched over our boys as they have grown but who has also watched over and taken care of me and my body so that I could carry our boys as long as possible to give them their best chance. I'm really going to miss feeling them rumble around in my belly and seeing their sweet pictures each week as they have grown and changed, but we are really excited to meet them and see if they are what we have pictured. Brian and I both think that Ryder will have my coloring and look more like me and Case will look like Brian and Boone with their coloring. I don't think they are going to look alike but I could be wrong. That's the best part, it's like the biggest, best surprise ever!! As soon as I am able to I will post pictures of them but bear with me--I have a feeling things are going to be a little crazy for a while! ;)

I put some belly pictures so that was I would always remember what this time was like. Sorry the first mirror is super spotty and I'm going to get some more right before we deliver so I'll post those later. Here it is in December

And now in March!
Check out Boone's new buzz! He got a HORRIBLE haircut so we decided a buzz would be a much better option. It's actually pretty cute!! Oh and his new gun Daddy got him. He wanted to "shoot the deer hidin by the fence."
So much for trying to save his clothes for the twins
(and the stupid underline is back!!!)
Playing a little baseball
And hanging out with Daddy!
The boys room
It's pretty simple compared to Boone's but I like it that way
The picture that changed it all!!
This was my baby blanket-- I had no idea that it had giraffes on it like the boys bedding. I decided to cut this piece out of my blanket and hang it up in their room.
I know Ryder's side looks empty but his bed is in our room for now so the boys can sleep with us at night and then they'll be napping in Case's bed during the day--that's the plan at least! :)
Some outfits I ordered the boys
Boone the cowboy! (pre-buzz)


Bridget said...

Jess-your stomach!!!!!Bless your heart--I love the boys rooms and the outfits are adorable--at least Grammy can tell them apart with the hats on! Ha! Boones haircut is adorable--Rest Rest Rest this week and we will see you SOON! Love ya,Mom (Grammy)

Anonymous said...

Love all the pics. You look great and what a great job you have done carrying those boys. Their room and the play room are adorable. I love Boones haircut, his hair looks so much darker that short. Can't wait to see pics of the newest additions to the family. Love to all of you. Aunt Kitty

benay said...

Thanks for the update!I love how you have decorated the boys room and love Boone's "Big Boy Haircut. Get some rest and we will be thinking about all of you on the 22nd.

Grandma Lou said...

Jessica-Jessica-bless your heart darling-you are all belly. You might need to get a cane so you don't topple over!! Boone looks
like little Brian with that buzz.
It's a good thing wholly jeans are in style. Uncle Chad had to wear them too. Can't wait to see you
guys next week. Love you, Grandma Lou

Grandma Lou said...

Maybe those jeans are holey instead of wholly. That is one cute preppie cowboy! GL

Amber said...

I love Boones buzz cut. I bet your are so ready to meet the little guys. I love their names. Hopefully you will get to visit Odessa in a few months so I can meet them!