Happy Easter to you all! I hope you had a nice long weekend. We had a great Easter but it was a little different than we had planned. Boone was sick on Tuesday (this is where it all begins)They called me from daycare and said that he had a low fever and
had broken out in a rash all over his body. Actually at first she told me that they were having trouble waking him up...WHAT?!? I quickly went to my computer--thank goodness for online monitoring-- I could see him sitting there so I asked her what she meant and she said that he just seemed tired and wasn't ready to get up and play. OK so maybe next time we need to phrase it that way first--she had me scared half to death! So anyway I went to get him and he was sitting in a wagon by the front desk playing with a toy (he was super excited to see me) and they had his mattress propped up against the wall in the hall. Ha Ha I guess he was being quarantined!! I called the doctors office and when the nurse called me back she said to just keep an eye on him but if he still had the rash and a fever in the morning to bring him in. She said we could give him some Benadryl in case it was a reaction to something that he ate but other than that just watch him closely. He seemed totally fine but we knew with that rash the day care was not going to let him come back on Wednesday so Brian took the day off and stayed home with him. They went to the park --I got picture messages all day from Brian so I was able to see how much fun Boone was having on his "sick day off". The rash was still there but since there wasn't
anymore fever the nurse said we didn't have to bring him in. She said it was just a virus and the rash was part of it and it should last 48-72 hours. So basically Boone got a free day with Daddy---no complaints from him (or Brian). Then Thursday came--- :) I started to feel bad at school but didn't really know why I was feeling bad. A ton of my kids had been in and out all week with random stuff so I didn't know if I was catching a bug from them or if it was my allergies or what. We only had a half day on Thursday and I had scheduled a doctors appointment with my ob/gyn but ended up rescheduling because with a horrible headache and an achy body that was the last place I was wanting to go (all you girls know what I'm talking about I'm sure). So I went and picked up Boone early and we went home and played and napped! I was feeling a little better on Friday and went and ran some errands but by Friday night I was running a fever and had the chills pretty bad. I told Brian I couldn't remember the last time I had run a fever like that but in the middle of the night I woke up sweating like crazy so I knew my fever had broken--thank goodness!! Brian took Boone to get his hair cut on Friday. He went to a kiddie place this time and things went much better. No tears and we have a great hair cut!! YAY!!! When I got home from the store Brian and Boone were outside watering and Boone was running through the sprinklers. It was so cute!! He was soaked and was loving it. Hagen would go run to get a drink and Boone would run right in after him---it was hilarious. Leslie and Dustin had gone to the ranch for Easter and were wanting us to come down and see them but I knew I was in no condition to go, so on Saturday Brian took Boone and went to the ranch with a friend and his son. They just made it a day trip since
Sunday was Easter. It was great because I was able to scrub down the house and get everything cleaned up before they got home. Easter was nice. It was cloudy and rainy that morning so we didn't hunt eggs until that afternoon but that worked out nicely because we were able to practice hunting in the house. Boone didn't have candy in the eggs because I knew it would be me and Brian eating all of the stuff and let me just tell you--a 15 month old boy is totally fine with empty eggs. So don't waste your money people, just go for plain plastic eggs!!! Pops and Grandma Lou sent Boone some neat stuff for Easter. He got two shirts (one glows in the dark...so cool), a truck, a color book, some goldfish (the snack of course) and a chocolate bunny--which he LOVED!!! He devoured the chocolate we gave him and about 30 minutes later it hit him! He was all over the place and was just laughing, it was pretty hysterical! The Easter bunny also brought him some shirts and flip flops and some bubbles to play with. He also got some pretty cute cards from his Mois and Pa, Grammy and Pa Paw and his Great Aunt and Uncle B and Bob. Brian and I got a kick out of the cards--they were hilarious!!! We are going to the lake this weekend for our friends wedding so we will get to have another Easter there. This is one spoiled child!! But like I always say--it's in the best way possible! :) So anyway back to me and my sickness (because yes it's really just all about me--ha ha). Sunday we were planning on going to the store and maybe the park but when I got out of the shower I
noticed that I was covered in a rash!!! It was HORRIBLE!!!! So now I think I know what I had--obviously it was whatever Boone had because we went through the exact same thing. Except Boone's rash was gone the next day--mine however decided to hang around for 3 days!!!! So up until today I have been a speckled freak. :) Ok so anyway back to Boone-- Easter was great we were planning on going to our friends house for dinner but since I had been sick and they have 3 kids we decided that wasn't the best idea. We ended up grilling out and Boone got to hunt his Easter eggs. It was a quiet Easter with just the three of us but it was great day. We hope you all had a great one too. Thanks to our Lord and Savior who died on the cross for us and because of that we are able to celebrate him with the ones we love. God is good and gracious!! I'm reminded of that everyday when I see my son----what a sacrifice he made for us! We love you all and hope you enjoy all of the pictures and the videos!! :)
You can't really tell but this was a spaghetti o's night--yuck!
Cooling off
It's not a long one but you can see him playing in the water a little bit
I think we have this same picture from last year---some things never change!!
Oh a hunting we will go.....
there's one!
Oh now what do I do---I only have two hands!!
Oh yeah--put them in the basket!
but I didn't like that at all!!!
More eggs
And a hug for Daddy--so sweet!!
A very short egg hunting video
oh my goodness Boone you are Precious! I can't wait for this week-end--we will have soooooooo much fun! I love your hair cut and those boots----you are quiet the stomper! Love Grammy
what a sweet face that baby has! I love the up close pictures, those blue eyes are going to be a major chick magnet someday! I'm glad you are feeling better, and Boone too. I think Brian's immune system must be pretty good, it's cause he's just sooooo sweet. I hope you like your little gift, and Boone's Easter basket. We all have a lot to be thankful for, sometimes we just don't realize how much! I love you guys, and have fun at the wedding! Love, GiGi
Oh my God, Bob and I were laughing so hard at the cowboy boot scootin boogie by Boone, we were crying!! Jessica, you are so nice to include so many pics, especially fever, rash with you and Boone, etc. We really appreicate it.
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