Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Happy 9 Months Boone!!

I wasn't going to post anything today since I did yesterday but I ended up being at home with Boone this afternoon. We were supposed to have a "well baby" visit at 4 but instead we had a "sick baby" visit at 1! Last night Boone started screaming when we were trying to put him down--we first thought he was extremely worn out since he hadn't napped much that day but when he started screaming 11:15 we knew it had to be his ears AGAIN!! Poor guy! So this morning he was ok--a little cranky but no fever so he went to day care and we tried to make it through the day but when I called to check on him they said he had been really fussy and didn't want to eat so I decided to go get him. The doctor said the right ear is really red and puffy and it might end up perforating but the left ear was fine. So we are on another antibiotic and we will see what happens this time. Anyway so we got to have a lot of play time today and I took this video during it. He was crawling around--yes he decided to start crawling on his 9 month birthday!! So he is crawling at the very beginning then goes back to army crawling. He's pulling up and sitting up but I'm thinking he's not going to crawl but at the very end he starts to crawl and the camera runs out of memory...of course! You still get to see a little though. :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sorry it's late....

So I never got around to posting yesterday...sorry about that! I took yesterday off for a "mommy day"! I know that's unheard of right but I decided that after 9 months I deserved a day of doing whatever I liked-- which actually ended up being that I ran errands all day but the next "mommy day" will be spent in bed watching movies--I can see it now! :) Only 9 months to go! j/k Boone had a great day with his Daddy-- I'm not sure he even realized I was gone. Which is a great thing--I'm telling myself that at least! :) But really it has been 9 MONTHS! Can you believe that? My little man will be 9 months old tomorrow. How crazy! He had some more first this week which all involved injuries or just things that were way too scary for Mommy! I went to pick him up from day care the other day and Linda made me sign a "BOO BOO Report"-- and yes it actually says that on the top (I saved it for the scrapbook). Apparently my child thinks he is Spider Man and was trying to climb up a door--well he soon figured out that didn't work and ended up hitting his face on the hinge--OUCH!! I thought we were going to have his 1st shiner but it ended up just bloodying up for a few days. It was pretty bad but it's funny because both Brian and I were kind of proud, like our son has his first black eye!! Ha Ha Poor Boone! :) Then he has decided that not only are we going to stand up and try to climb on things but we are going to use other things to stand on to climb higher!!! It makes us a nervous wreck but he is just laughing the whole time-- he thinks he's invincible! We go for the 9 month checkup tomorrow so I'll let you know how that goes next time. Any guesses on ht. & wt.? You never know with this one! Have a great week and enjoy the pics!

Chillin in my chair--that's right I'm not wearing any pants! :)

Exploring every inch of this house

I don't know what this is but I find it hilarious

I don't know if he was mad or happy here...hmmm

You can see his eye and a little on his nose (which is filthy by the way b/c he would not let me clean it...I think it hurt too much!)

We discovered that Brian's block target is a great thing for Boone to stand with---he loves it!

Going down to get something--check out the tongue! (If you click on the picture to blow it up you might see it better)

Happy Boy!

There's that tongue

Had to throw in a pic. of Ellie--wishing she was on the deck with us

These next pics are all of Boone out on the deck one night---I loved them all!

Bath Time!!!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Well first I'll update you on Boone's ears since that was where I left off last time. Brian took Boone in Monday morning and one of his eardrums had ruptured again. I know poor guy right?! The worst part is he doesn't show any signs of it until right before it happens. Monday he was a million times better because the rupture had taken away all of the pressure. They gave us a new, stronger antibiotic and some new ear drops too. We go back next week for a checkup so hopefully all will be good. We went back down to the ranch this weekend with Chad and Stephanie. We had a great time as usual and were able to see some more things finished up. Everything is so close and it's only a matter of weeks until it is completely done. It is really awesome! I shot my first javelina this weekend. That's always exciting! It was nice to be out and to get to hunt again since I didn't at all last year. I can't wait for deer season. Boone did great as always, of course he did wake up in the middle of the night but that's pretty typical when we are away from home. That is the only hard thing about traveling on the weekends. I barely get enough sleep as it is and when we don't get to catch up on the weekends it sure makes the weeks hard! Boone has started crawling pretty good now but he picks and chooses when he wants to do it. Most of the time he will crawl 2 or 3 steps then sit down and start all over again. I think he will be crawling soon but I've said that before. At this rate he will be walking before he crawls. He has both of his bottom teeth now and they are as sharp as a knife.....it really hurts when he bites but luckily he's not really a "biter" so that's good. Before I go I want to say Happy Birthday to Cindy who's birthday is on Tuesday and Mom who's birthday is on Friday. Happy Birthday Lou and Grammy---we love you!! Oh and I'm so sad my Red Raiders lost but I think they played a great game and I'm really proud of them! Well I need to go relax for a while before I start to get ready for another busy week. Hope you all had a good one and we love you.

I think Boone has seen too many pics. of his Grammy trying this one! :)

Pulling up in my play yard

Oh that's so funny!

Boone just discovered his tongue on Sat.---it was pretty funny!

Trying to grab my camera

Taking a nap on Steph

The bar top at the ranch

They poured a copper epoxy (sp?) on top--it looks really neat

Pool all filled up

I love this part of it!

Snake outside the lodge this morning--apparently they eat rattlesnakes so we like him (sort of)

Chad---you are CRAZY!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


So I first have to talk about all of the rain we got this week. It was AMAZING.......and we needed it SO bad! Thank you Lord!! At our house our rain gauge said we got 8 inches in 3 days plus more from this weekend. I know in some parts of Texas they are getting too much but we got a great amount and are so thankful for it. Boone had a good week....busy of course! He was all over the place and pulling up on everything. We had a lot of spills this week and Brian and I have now come to the conclusion that Boone is like his Daddy and doesn't bruise very easily. I'm guessing that will be a good thing considering he is going to have a lot of chances for bruises with his wild personality! He is so fun to watch because he is always getting into something now which means we have to watch him like a hawk. He thinks it's hilarious when he finds a new place to try and stand on or gets out of his blocked off area. What a mess! We are afraid that his ears might be bothering him again. This morning he has been pretty fussy and when we laid him down for his nap he woke up screaming....all signs from the past that we have another ear problem. I hope this is just a flair up from the last and not a sign of what is to come for Boone. I feel so bad for him because I know he is being so tough about it but it's got to hurt. I got some good pictures of Boone trying out all of his new tricks and a video of it too. Plus some cute pictures of Boone and Anna from school on Friday and just some others of Boone loving life as an 8 month old! Oh and before I forget How about them Red Raiders!! Now if we could all say a little prayer for next week that would be great! Have a wonderful week--we love you all!

Boone sits like this all the time now--- I think it is the cutest thing ever!

I had to get this shirt in honor of Boone's Aunt Stephanie (her maiden name is Bruno in case yall were wondering what the bulldog on a skateboard had to do with her!)

Boone and Anna at school---I don't know if you can tell but it looks like Anna is checking out Boone's butt! :)

Having a little chat

Fighting over the snacks :)

Playing with everything except the toys....of course

Hey guys!

Going over Mommy's legs

He made it!!

Going for the cat!

I don't know what this look is saying but I think it's pretty funny!

Even Cuter huh?!

Pulling up on his chair

Watching a little football

Daddy and Boone (they both have a little bed head going on!)

This is a video of Boone pulling himself up but I forgot it was turned the wrong way so you have to watch it sideways....sorry! Oh and sorry for the gasping....he has been really good about catching himself but it's still scary when he starts to fall!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Sick and Busy!

Isn't it nice to have a 3 day weekend! I would love to have more of these...but wouldn't we all. Hope you are all having a nice restful weekend and I really hope you aren't at work today! :) We had a pretty good week. Boone got sick but he is doing much better so we are grateful for that. Tuesday morning around 1 a.m. Boone started crying which isn't like him at all but we always wait a while to see if he will go back to sleep and he usually does but not this time. I went in and rocked him back to sleep, put him in bed and 5 min. later he was up crying again so we started over and 15 min. later he was up again. Then Brian did it a couple of times too. We decided we needed to get him in to see the doctor because something had to be wrong. Well we were right he had a busted ear drum on the left side and she said the right was on the verge as well. Poor guy! We got some ear drops and amoxicillian (sp?) and as soon as we started that he seemed fine. I stayed home with him on Wed. and the right side ruptured then but he never seemed upset or cried about it. What a tough little man! This weekend we went down to the ranch because it was ready enough for us to start moving things in. Jeff and Cindy came in and Leslie, Chad and Stephanie came too. I have to say Boone and I didn't help out that much, most of my time was spent wrangling the wild one but oh my does the place look good!! I was amazed at how much had changed since we had been down there. It is beautiful!!! We are so excited for hunting season so we can start going down there more. Jeff and Cindy and Don and Brett have built an amazing place and Larry and Emily have worked so hard to get it all done and it has paid off! WOW is all I can say. I put a lot of pics. on here but I can't wait until it is all finished in a few weeks and I'll take a ton to put on. I guess I was busy with Boone the whole time because I didn't take any pictures of him with all of the family but I did get a few with Uncle Chad and a really cute video of Boone and Zoe (Chad and Stephanie's dog). It's down at the bottom. We had a great time as always and can't wait to see you all again really soon! It was also a great weekend because our Red Raiders won! They may not have played their best (it's just nerves) or played the best team but it's a win and that's all that matters....right OU?! :) Sorry I just couldn't resist..... Boone is just starting to crawl so I'll take some video of that this week for yall to see. Oh and I gave him a Mohawk today for a little while but his hair is way too long and fine right now--but he still looks really cute! Have a great week--we love you! By the way I keep meaning to tell you that I have been adding music by people I really like and I know the playlist has been pretty random. Hayes Carll is one of Brian's favorites right now and I love the song by Kings of Leon but I decided to put on The Best Day by George Strait because first George is King :) and second we heard this at the ranch this weekend and I just loved the words and thought about Boone the whole time. What a great song!!
Boone fell asleep in our bed when he was sick.....he looked so comfortable!

I love his face in the mirror

He busted me taking pictures

Lodge--Living Room

Bar (you can see the loft above the bar)

Pool Table

Kitchen (they still need to finish the cabinets and put the appliances in)

View from loft

I love these!

They used an old windmill for the fan outside

Boone playing with Uncle Chad

Hmmmm...what do I want to play with?

Check out that look

What a sweet boy

On the Go.....ALL THE TIME!! :)

Boone attacked Sam but Sam ran away so....

he attacked me! Great side shot of the Mohawk

What's up?!

Boone and Zoe playing at the ranch.... Boone's faces are really cute and I love how Zoe runs right up to his face and stops then takes off. They LOVE each other!!