Thursday, December 11, 2008

Dr. Visit

Ok well good news for us....I am dilated to a 2 and 60% effaced!!! I am SO excited! And I'm glad to know that everything I have been feeling really was something and I'm not just a crazy pregnant lady-- I think Brian thought I was just wanting to complain (well maybe that was a little of it). So we were hoping that we would be induced on the 29th but my Dr. informed us that she already has a waiting list... What?! We are still hoping for around then unless he decides to come on his own. He'll probably decide to come on Christmas, that would not surprise me at all. We go back next Thursday so we will let you know if anything has changed but please just keep us in your thoughts for these next few weeks--it's pretty crazy to think but Boone will be here before we know it!

1 comment:

Bridget said...

Come on Boone!!!! Love Grammy(or mouse?)