Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Boone's Week

Well Boone is now 1 week and 2 days old! It's weird because it feels like he is so much older than that but I guess it is because we have been so busy with doctor's appointments and schedules that it just feels like we have been home with him longer than a week. He is doing great! We went back to the doctor on Monday to check his weight and make sure he was gaining what he had lost since we came home and he had put on 6 ounces in 3 days....Hurray! I should have known he was going to be an eater (like daddy and mommy). They said he looked great but she did make the comment that he was the size of a Kindergartner, he probably needs to get used to that, I think he will hear it often! Yesterday we had to take him to get the second part of his PKU test, this is a test they run on all newborns in Texas. They take a blood sample at the hospital then you have to repeat it within 2 weeks to check for developmental issues. They had to prick his heel and take quite a bit of blood. He cried and cried, it was HORRIBLE! I don't know how I am going to handle him getting shots and if he ever gets really hurt I will just lose it! I'm going to have to toughen up because that almost killed me watching him scream like that. But as soon as it was over he was off to sleep again, I don't think it affected him like it did me. He's a tough little guy! I have added some pictures from the last few days, I think he is tired of posing for so many pictures but I just can't stop he's so cute! That's all for now but I will be adding more soon, hope you all have a great week!
Bath Time with Grammy!
All snug after we got through

One of the few moments I am wide awake in the day!

Boone in his bear suit (Some call it torture but I just think it's cute!)

The little cub is asleep!

1 comment:

B. said...

He is so-oooo cute!!! I talked to Grammy on her way back from San Antonio and she really enjoyed being with ya"ll. But she can't wait to see Laney this evening. She is in hog heaven!!
Take care