Friday, January 30, 2009


I just had to put up this picture of my niece Laney. My Dad sent this to me from yesterday when they were waiting in the hospital for her new baby brother Jake. She is such a pretty little girl and she just looks so cute! She is almost 19 months now and is growing up so fast. When I call Megan or Mom and they are with her she is just talking away in the background. She's going to be such a good big sister and is going to love having someone to boss around! :)


Anonymous said...

You are so right, she will be the boss I'm sure. I'm sure at times she will play Mommy, and at times she will probably play like Aunt Jessica, and be Teacher. It will all be just too cute. Everyone loves your blog, and of course Boone! Love, Nancy (GG)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for adding that new picture of Laney. I bet I know who got her that shirt!! I have been re-arranging all of my pictures of Laney so I will have room for Boone and Jake. Bob said we are going to have to get more tables to display them