Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Three in one day?

I know I can't believe this is my third post today but I had to put the video of him rolling over on here. I had just put him down when I started filming so you can see he was mad from the start and I love his laugh/cry after....what a good actor!


Bridget said...

Bless your heart---you were so tired from school and then MOM makes you work!!!!!! That is some fake cry followed by a darling laugh!!!!!!!! Love ya, Grammy

Nancy(GiGi) said...

He already has a great laugh, and I know you will grow up to either really hate camera's or really love them, but whatever, we Love them. Thanks, Mom! Love, GiGi

benay said...

Bridget called and left a message for me to see your update. I can't believe how strong Boone is!!
Now we get surprise updates during the week and not just Sunday. Thanks!

Honorary Indian said...

I've loved catching up on your blog...kept forgetting to read it until I had a few moments of quiet today as Priya is still asleep in bed with a fever (negative for Swine flu, thank goodness!). :-)

here's my link if you get a free minute:

Anonymous said...

OMG, he is just getting so big and more adorable!!! AND lookin like his daddy =)

Nancy(GiGi) said...

Hi, just wanted to wish you a Happy (1st.)Mother's Day. Boone has a wonderful Mom. Your Dad and I are very proud of you, and are glad we are a part of you and your family's lives. Mostly just wanted to say We Love You, and Happy Mother's Day! Your gift should be there soon, hopefully today. Love, GiGi, and Grand daddy.