I brought Boone home to Odessa yesterday--well actually Mom and I both took him home--she flew to S.A. Tuesday night and drove home with us yesterday and then will go back with us Sun. or Mon. and then fly home---isn't Grammy the best! :) Anyway I thought since I was here I would get all of her lake pictures and put them on here. She took some really cute ones! Hope you are all having a great week and I'll post again when we make it back to San Antonio! Hi Brian--We miss you and love you muches!
What a face!
Jake looks like he's about to cry.... I bet Boone was trying to eat his hand again
Looking sleepy
"Let's hold hands!"
"Come on....please!?"
Hanging out in the lake
It was a bit chilly in the water but it was fun anyway
Splish! Splash!
What a cutie
She looks like she's up to something!
Lincoln (1yr.) making his way around the yard
You like my hat?
I love this one with Meg and Jake in the back
Meg and Boone and Brian in the back hiding under the hammock
P.A.'s sister Catherine and Lincoln--asleep after a boat ride
Pa Paw and Boone
Leslie and Lily
The pictures are great, everyone looks like they were having a good time. We are just waiting for Saturday! Guess we will see you guys then. There were lots of babies there, and Boone looked like he was having fun! Love Ya, See you, Saturday! Love, GiGI
THanks for all the lake pictures. I love the videos of Jake and Boone and the other one of Boone. Have a safe trip home tomorrow. I bet Boone will be glad to get into his bed and see his dad.
Love, B.
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