Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Check Up

Well we went in for Boone's checkup yesterday and the doctor said he seems to be handling this RSV crud pretty well. He has gained 5 ounces since Friday ( so no need to worry about his appetite) and he has been feeling and acting good and sleeping good. He said this will be the worst it gets so he thinks Boone will be fine without breathing treatments or a visit to the hospital (thank Goodness!). He did say his other ear is now infected which is strange since he has been on antibiotics but other than that things are good. He's at home with Daddy today since I have meetings all day. So hopefully he will survive that!! :) Thanks for all of your thoughts and prayers for him-- we are surrounded by wonderful people! Love you all!!

1 comment:

Nancy(GiGi) said...

I bet he is going to have allergies. I had ear stuff, and congestion when I was a baby and at about 12 years old, and many sleepless nights for Mom, I was tested for allergies, 95 out of 125 things I was allergic to. I hope not for his sake. Bless his little heart. He looks really good, and looks super healthy. Poor baby, I hope he gets better. Love you, GiGi